
asral: mongolian for 'care' 

One in every three mongolians is struggling to survive in the world’s coldest capital; most of them are children.

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Children are at the heart of what we do. Our approach is holistic, we support the child by supporting the family.


Egshiglen and


We are committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children like Egshiglen and Enkhtur. Their father died in a car accident and their mother is disabled. Their ger (traditional Mongolian tent) is old, leaks and loses heat in sub-zero temperatures.

By donating, you can help us to transform Egshiglen and Enkhtur’s lives, to reach their full, wonderful potential.


Egshiglen and Enkhtur’s day begins by walking long distances to buy water, in temperatures that can reach as low as minus 40 degrees.